EnviFriendly Innovations P.C.

Integrated environmental design for social cohesion, economic value added, environmental quality and citizens well-being.

Our Company

EnviFriendly Innovations P.C. is a startup company established in Chania, Greece in October 2022. It is an offspring of the Hydrogeochemical Engineering and Remediation of Soils Laboratory at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete. The company provides integrated services that range from the design and implementation of sustainable environmental solutions (Nature-Based Solutions) for environmental restoration, remediation of contaminated water and soil from heavy metals, integrated water management studies, agricultural soil and productivity research, marketing, communication and dissemination of research results. Together with local stakeholders, we co-design Nature-Based Solutions that foster sustainable agricultural development and optimize the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus.

Our Vision

EnviFriendly Innovations P.C. capitalizes on 40-year long experience in earth sciences and environmental engineering research and innovation in the USA and Europe to bring to the market integrated services and sustainable design to environmental problems that would achieve social cohesion, economic value added, improvement of environmental quality and the enhancement of the quality of life and well-being of the citizens.

Our Services

Nature-Based Solutions for Environmental Restoration

Soil fertility and degradation studies

Irrigation studies

Riparian forest restoration design

Nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation

Nature-based solutions co-designed with stakeholder participation

Remediation of Soil and Groundwater from Heavy Metals

Arsenic remediation of soil and groundwater using Zero Valent iron

Development and application of technologies for Chromium remediation of soil and groundwater

Geochemical modeling of remediation

Circular Economy

Agricultural soil fertility studies using compost and manure

Development of biochar and use as biostimulant for crop growth

Modeling expertise for carbon sequestration and carbon credits

Data Analysis

Big data and integrated platforms

Development of databases and data analytics

Development of communication platforms

Development of Decision Support Systems

Marketing, Communication and Dissemination

Integrated dissemination strategies of research results

Integrated marketing strategies

Visioning methodologies and foresight strategies

Stakeholder opinions, living labs and consensus building

Meet the Team

Prof. Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis

Prof. Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis

Innovation and Development
Maria Lilli

Maria Lilli

Environmental R&D
Dionissis Efstathiou

Dionissis Efstathiou

Κleoniki Nikolaidis

Κleoniki Nikolaidis

Marketing & Communications
Natalie Ann Nikolaidis

Natalie Ann Nikolaidis

General Manager

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